We have added four new fields to the reservations:
- Breakfast: To mark a reservation as including breakfast.
- Non Refundable: To mark a reservation as non-refundable.
- Pegged: To prohibit a reservation to be moved from the selected room.
- ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival): to add manually the expected time a client has stated he will arrive.
The first three fields are in the form of mini on-off switches, while the fourth is a drop down with all half hours of the day. This does not constrain you from entering something more specific, like 11:10. The system will accept your input.
Some might wonder why do we need the breakfast and non-refundable fields while this piece of information is already present in the rate plans of the channels.
The answer is complicated: The information of the rate plan, as it comes from the channel manager, can be in the form of comments that the system has difficulty recognising, or, can be not present at all.
Whenever this information is present in the channel reservation in a structured way, we will automatically update these two fields in Discoveroom too.
The breakfast field is also used to produce a daily breakfast report for planning or control purposes. Which means that to get an accurate breakfast report, the information on the reservations need to be specific and accurate.
Breakfast in extras cannot be automatically recognised as it can take any form and description the user likes, and the system has no means of distinguishing which is which. This means that if you add a breakfast extra to a reservation, you also need to turn the breakfast switch on, to get a proper breakfast report.
The “Pegged” field is for convenience and collaboration. Most hotels have repeaters that know the property and ask for a specific room. This field can be used to make sure that the client will get the room he desires and that no other user of the system can move him elsewhere.
The ETA field is used to produce an arrivals report, along with any notes that you might have entered in the reservation.
All the above information is also available to the reservation tooltip.
Editing Channel Reservations
Also, we have made a change that many have asked for: We will allow you to edit the dates of Channel Reservations, which means you will be able to extend them and truncate them. But this comes with a risk: if, for any reason, the reservation is changed by the channel, all your edits will be lost. Since, extend or truncate take place at, or after, arrival time the risk is small.
Using Breakfast in Invoices.
We have added a preset product, called breakfast. If you want to automatically split the value of a reservation to Stay and Breakfast, you can set this product to the percentage you like. If the system traces such a setting, it will automatically allocate this percentage of the reservation to breakfast.
May 7, 2019, 5:55 pm
I am most excited about the Pegged option. That will come in handy! Any chance of a possibility for a function to be able mark what type of payment method was used for a guests stay? One that would maybe be able to pull up in reports? (Cash, Check, Credit Card)
Nikos Anagnostou
May 7, 2019, 6:11 pm
We have plans for a lot more than that: a full payments management system