Changes in Channel Functionality

In order to improve and streamline the performance of the Channel functionality we have made the following changes:


Email Notifications:

In cases where a channel reservation cannot be imported in Discoveroom (for reasons explained in this post), a notification was sent to the property owners. From now on, this email notification will include a link that, when clicked, will allow you to request  the reservation from the channel to be re-imported to Discoveroom. You should click the link once you have determined what was the room cause of the failure and you have taken actions to correct it. If you cannot determine the failure reason, please contact us.


Octorate connection:

The way we worked with Octorate so far, was to retrieve from their Channel Manager all reservation from the Channels and send back all reservations that were entered in Discoveroom. This mode of operation relied on Octorate to calculate the correct availability. As of now, we will change this and we will send back the availability as it is in Discoveroom. We will not send reservation anymore, just availability. We are doing this to avoid differences in the availability calculations that might arise from room changes or other kind of updates.

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